Find Max, Min, Average value from a DataTable UiPath

In the business automation process we always use DataTable.

Assuming we are working with some marks of a student or any other financial calculations of any process.

Let’s see the implementation of finding max min and average values from a DataTable.

Step1: Drag and Drop a Build DataTable Activity and build a datatable as shown below:

max, min, and average values from datatable

Step2: As we have the datatable ready now we need to get the max value from it.

Use the below-mentioned Syntax to get the maximum value from the DataTable:

DT.AsEnumerable().Max(Function(row) cint(row(“ColumnName”)))

Create a variable which can hold this max value as shown below:

max values from datatable

Here in the place of columnName entire the column for which you want to calculate Max Value.

Step3: Now we will see how we can calculate the minimum value from the datatable.

Use the below mentioned syntax to get the minimum value from DataTable:

DT.AsEnumerable().Min(Function(row) cint(row(“ColumnName”)))

Create a variable which can hold this minimum value as shown below:

min values from datatable

Step4: Finally, we will see how to get the average value from the datatable.

Use the below syntax to get the average value from DataTable:

DT.AsEnumerable().Average(Function(row) cint(row(“ColumnName”)))

Create a variable which can hold this average value as shown below:

average values from datatable

This is how you calculate the max min and average values from a DataTable using UiPath.

Now let’s see the outputs of these Assign activity values one after the other as shown below:

The maximum value from DataTable is shown below:

output values

The minimum value from DataTable as shown below:

output values

The average value from DataTable as shown below:

output values

This task will be useful while you are working on a business process that is related to finance or any process which has numbers calculation.

Happy Learning!

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