Message Box Activity | Write Line Activity in UiPath

Message Box Activity -:

Display a message box with a given text(string value that we are passing) with button options.

Input properties :-

Text -: In this field we will pass either a variable or a string(words have to be quoted).

Caption -: This field allows us to name the message box(which is useful in communication with the user while executing)which is displayed.

Buttons -: This field allows us to take the confirmation from the user whether the process has to move forward or not by displaying different kinds of Buttons. They are

  • OK
  • YES, NO

Common Properties -:

Display Name -: This field allows us to name the activity which helps in identifying which activity that we are presently in.

Output Properties -:

Chosen Button -: This field allows us to see which button the user has opted to take decisions on the future steps.

Write Line Activity -:

It prints a string or a string variable to the output panel.

Input properties -:

Text -: This field allows us to pass a string or a string variable that needs to be printed on the output panel.

Textwriter -: This field allows us to write the string or string variable that we are passing into other targeted areas or applications.

Common Properties -:

Display Name -: This field allows us to name the activity which helps in identifying which activity that we are presently in.

That’s it for Message Box Activity and Write Line Activity.

Happy Learning!

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