How to Copy and paste excel range in Excel UiPath

Many of times we work with excel while automating a business process.

So in this article, we will look at how we can copy and paste excel range from one sheet to another sheet using UiPath Activity.

UiPath Activity Name: Copy Range

Let’s jump into the practical implementation:

For this example we are using the input excel that looks like below:

copy and paste excel range

Step1: Drag and Drop an Excel application scope from activities panel to designer panel as shown below:

copy and paste excel range

Step2: Drag and Drop copy range activity from activities panel to the designer panel as shown below:

copy and paste excel range

Now let’s see the required properties for this activity which is inside the excel application scope.

copy and paste excel range


  • DestinationCell: Provide the cell information of the new sheet from where you want to paste the copied range from the old sheet.
  • DestinationSheet: Provide the new sheet name of the excel where it needs to paste the range.
  • SheetName: Provide the original sheet name from where we are copying data.
  • SourceRange: Provide the range as shown in the above image from where to where you want to copy from that sheet.
  • CopyItems: In this, we have different options to select, here we selected All.

But below are the different options that you can select for the CopyItems property basing on your requirement.

  • Value
  • Formula
  • NumberFormat
  • CellFormat

This would paste the copied range from the input excel to the new sheet starting from B1 as shown below:

excel data

In the above image, we can notice that the cell values started from the B column as we provided in the copy range activity properties.

This is how we can copy and paste excel range from one sheet to another sheet.

Happy Learning!

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