Add or subtract hour, day to DateTime power automate

While designing a business process automation sometimes we need to add or subtract an hour, day, or second to DateTime.

Let’s take an example of processing data in a file and the bot needs to check if the date is today then add a day to that input and process it else subtract a day and process it.

In this article, we look at how to achieve this task using Power Automate Desktop.

Let’s get into the practical implementation of this task:

Step1: Drag and Drop Get current date and time action from flow designer from actions panel to the flow designer panel as shown below:

get current datetime

For more information about Get current date and time action refer to the article below:

Now we have today’s date in the CurrentDateTime variable and we will add and subtract a day from this variable.

Step2: Drag and Drop Add to datetime action from actions panel to the flow designer panel as shown below:

Now we will see how to add days to the current DateTime.

 add or subtract hour, day


  • Datetime – Provide the DateTime variable that you are adding or subtracting the day, hour, second.
  • Add – Provide an integer value to add (7) or subtract (-7)
  • Time unit – There are different time units to use in this action they are stated below:
  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Months
  • Years

Step3: The output of the above action is shown below:

add day to current datetime

Step4: Drag and Drop Add to datetime action from actions panel to the flow designer panel as shown below:

Now we will see how to subtract days to the current DateTime.

 add or subtract hour, day
  • Datetime – Provide the DateTime variable that you are adding or subtracting the day, hour, second.
  • Add – Provide an integer value to add (7) or subtract (-7)
  • Time unit – There are different time units to use in this action they are stated above:

Step3: The output of the above action is shown below:

subtract day from datetime

Happy Learning!

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