Clear or Remove items from the list Power Automate

A lot of times we use lists while designing the business process automation.

Let’s assume you created a list and added values to that and using them in the process.

Now you may want to remove some items from the list or clear the entire list before processing to the next step in the process automation.

That is the task that we are implementing in this post.

Let’s get into the practical implementation of this task:

Step1: Create a list and add items or values to that list.

Remove item from List:

It removes item from a particular list.

Step2: Drag and Drop Remove item from list action from actions panel to the designer panel as shown below:

It removes item from list basing on two methods they are mentioned below:

  • Index
  • Value

Firstly, we will see how to remove using index:

clear or remove the items

Let’s see the required parameters:

  • Remove item by – Select based on which method you want to remove the value but in this example, it is the index.
  • At index – Provide the index value by which it removes the value.
  • From list – Provide the list name from where it has to remove the items.

Here it removes value which is at index 1.

Now we will see the second method which is removing items from the list based on value.

Step3: Now change the remove item by option to value as shown below:

clear or remove the items

Let’s see the required parameters:

  • Remove item by – Select based on which method you want to remove the value but in this example it is value.
  • With value – Provide the value by which it removes that particular value.
  • From list – Provide the list name from where it has to remove the items.

In the above example, it only removes the first occurrence of the value 1 in the list.

But if you want to remove all the occurrences of 1 in that particular list then enable the Remove all item occurrences option that is shown in the above image.

This is how you remove items or values from list.

Clear list:

Step4: Drag and Drop Clear list action from actions panel to designer panel as shown below:

clear or remove the items

Let’s see the required parameters:

  • List to clear – Provide the list name from which you want to clear the values.

This is how we can clear or remove the items from the list using power automate desktop.

Happy Learning!

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