How to Convert a CSV file into Excel in UiPath

While working with excel automation we always come along with CSV and Excel formats.

Sometimes we need to convert a CSV file into excel while designing the process automation.

Let’s jump into the practical implementation of this task in UiPath:

Step1: Drag and Drop excel application scope from activities panel to designer panel as shown below:

CSV file into excel

Step2: Drag and Drop Read range activity from activities panel to designer panel as shown below:

CSV file into excel

Now we have the whole data from the csv file in a DataTable.

The DataTable will be the output of this read range activity.

In this example we given the read range output variable as csvDT.

Step3: Finally, drag and drop write range activity from activities panel to designer panel as shown below and provide the output of read range activity as input:

CSV file into excel

With this we successfully converted a csv file into excel file.

Note: There are so many ways to complete this task but I feel this is one of the best ways to achieve this.

Happy Learning!

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