How to start a job using Start Job activity in UiPath

What is the use of start job activity?

It enables us to start a job on Orchestrator on a specified number of robots.

Important points to remember while executing this activity:

  • In studio, the robot has to be connected to orchestrator
  • Robot role needs to have Create and Edit rights on jobs.
  • Robot role needs to have view rights on processes and environments.

Now that you got an idea about start job activity and the roles it needs to have while executing it.

Let’s jump into the practical example of this task:

Step1: Make sure your studio is connected to the folder where your process is created.

Step2: Drag and Drop Start Job activity from activities panel to designer panel as shown below:

job using start job activity

The required properties for this activity is shown below:

job using start job activity


  • Timeout(milliseconds) – Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. (Default value is 300000 milliseconds i.e, 300 seconds).
  • NumberOfRobots – Specifies the number of robots the job will be executed.(This field supports only integers and interger variables).
  • ProcessName – Provide the process display name in that folder where you want to start the job.
  • Folder Path – Provide the folder path where the process is located. i.e, (foldername or ../foldername)
  • Modern Folder – If the folder is modern folder then make it as True else leave as it is.

The below image shows from where you can get the process name:

Note: In the NumberOfRobots property if you mention 0 or a number that is more than the robots in that folder then the process will be executed on all available robots in the folder.

There is one error that might take place when you are using it for the first time is stated below:

Operation returned an invalid status code conflict

If you face this error make sure the machine and robot are created and given the rights it is supposed to have to start the job in orchestrator.

Happy Learning!

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