Take screenshot to save as image file power automate

While designing the process automation for business processes sometimes we tend to land with some error or exceptions.

In such cases we need to take screenshots and save as image file.

With that, we can identify where exactly the process failed and that saves a lot of time fixing the issue.

This is also implemented just to get the information of the error.

In this article, we will see how we can take a screenshot and save it as an image file using power automate desktop.

Let’s get into the practical implementation of this task:

Step1: Drag and Drop take screenshot action from actions panel to flow designer panel as shown below:

take screenshot and save

Let’s see the required parameters for this action:

  • Capture – It tells the action which area to capture

In this capture we have different selections and i tried them and given the definitions for each capture screen they are mentioned below:

  • All Screens – It will take whatever screen is available in the foreground at the time of taking a screenshot.
  • Primary Screen – It is taking the power automate screen as the primary screen.
  • Select Screen – You can able to pass the value which is numeric that allows it to select the screen to take screenshots.
  • Foreground window – It takes the screenshot of the foreground window which is running.

You might have try it again with different options that suits your need.

  • Save screenshot to – Provide the location to save the screenshot either in the clipboard or as an image file.

In this save screenshot to option we have two different options which are mentioned below:

  • Clipboard- It takes the screenshot and saves it in the clipboard.
  • File – It takes the screenshot and saves it to an image file in a location.

The above image shows you how to save the screenshot to clipboard.

Now let’s take a look at how to save screenshot to image file:

Step1: Drag and Drop take screenshot action from actions panel to designer panel as shown below:

take screenshot and save

Let’s see the required parameters for this action:

  • Image file – Provide the file path along with the filename to save the screenshot.
  • Image format – Select the image format to save the screenshot.

There are different Image formats, that are mentioned below for reference:

  • BMP
  • EMF
  • EXIF
  • GIF
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • TIFF
  • WMF

With the above-mentioned parameters, it will save the screenshot with the jpg extension.

The parameters remain the same for all types of capture options except the select screen.

For select screen the parameters looks like below:

take screenshot and save


The extra parameter is mentioned below:

  • Screen to capture – It specifies which screen to capture.

It only takes numeric values.

As per my testing of this action it only takes 1 and 2 as input for the rest it is throwing error.

This is how you can take a screenshot and save it as an image file using power automate desktop.

Happy Learning!

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